Thank You Image Gallery17 September 2001

I got a link to Ryan Garland's "Thank You Image Gallery" in an email from my sister today. I immediately forwarded it to everyone I know at SAIC (where I work). Then I had to go teach my class, so I couldn't sent it to everyone else on my list yet. And while I don't usually like sending such mass emails out during work hours (especially mass emails that include several of my managers in the distribution list), this one seems like it could help each person in some small way.

Click on this photo to get to the site, then click where it says "HERE". You'll find four pages of photos to browse through, whenever you need your spirits lifted. They're just pictures, no programs or anything to download. It only takes a minute or two to see them all.

I found the photos to be rather comforting in this turbulent time. I hope they have a similar effect on you. (Unfortunately, the website has disappeared and is, apparently, no longer available.)


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