AWMA San Diego Chapter24 September 2001

I created this website for the San Diego Chapter of the Air & Waste Management Association back in March of 1997. I've been on the Executive Board of this organization of environmental professionals ever since. Right now, I'm the Vice Chair, and in line to become the Chapter Chair in January 2003, unless someone else wants the job and beats me in an election (which is unlikely).

We are hosting a luncheon seminar today at the Sizzler Restaurant, located down near Qualcomm Stadium. A few years ago, we always used hotel banquet services for these luncheons, but lately we've found that Sizzler can give us a private room and an all-you-can-eat buffet lunch for about half the price. It's cheaper, healthier (unless you eat like a pig), and, more relaxed. Today's talk will be about the mercury in the U.S. and what to do with it.


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