Eufaula, OK10 December 2001

This is the Armory in Eufaula, Oklahoma. It was built in 1936 and is in the same block as City Hall and the fire station, which share the building next door. The local high school baseball team uses the drill floor for batting practice during the off-season. It's the biggest building in town, so it supports quite a few community events. That's the great thing about these armories: they really are part of the community and are unique each in their own ways.

We learned all about "catfish noodling" today. Apparently, it's something like fishing, except that the fisherman dives into the lake to catch the fish with his/her bare hands. Somehow, we were able to say no to an invitation to go out noodlin'. Maybe next time.

I ate some meatloaf today. It was good.


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