Matt at the Macintosh IIsi, Fall 1996

4 May 2002

This is Matt in our bedroom at the computer in the fall of 1996. Since we got the thing in 1991, he's been as comfy at the keyboard as a fish in water. When he types these days, it's as if his fingers float over the keys without actually hitting them. All you hear is a humming sound as the letters are somehow being depressed in rapid sequence.

This is now the home location of my laptop. I usually keep the docking station, zip drive, and scanner on the desk, while taking the computer to work or elsewhere in the house. The Macintosh still works, sort of, except for the monitor and floppy drive. We bought a nice new 15" monitor for it a few years ago, but it required a special card to work properly, so everything is just sitting in our garage. Sadly, we've been Mac-less (except for a couple of very old ones, SE and SE/30) for four or five years now.


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