Afternoon at Morley

16 February 2004

Playing disc golf with Matt and Scott is one of my favorite things to do. We played today on a crowded Morley Field enjoying San Diego's beautiful late afternoon weather. With my arm still sore from Saturday's outing, I was lucky to beat Scott, who just took nine holes to shake off the cobwebs, having not played in a while, and start throwing his discs better than I've ever seen. Final scores: Dave 60 (30/30); Scott 68 (36/32); Matt 92 (51/41).

This morning, Susan and I drove with Matt to a couple of local colleges: Point Loma Nazarene University and the University of San Diego. Matt liked both of them and we'll probably return for an official tour later in the year. The kids don't have school this week, so they might go visit a few more colleges in the next few days.



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