12 July 2004

I dunno, I think I'll miss the color of our chemistry lab at Miramar. The new building is almost done and they say this is our last semester in Room A-117. For some reason, they are converting the lab rooms to administrative offices. The lab rooms, although somewhat old, probably built in the 1960s or 70s, and refurbished in the early 90s, are fitted with equipment drawers, sinks, lab benches, hoods, showers, eye washes, lots of whiteboard space, projectors, internet stations, and a nice chemical storage room. Next door is a prep room and a second lab room, used by the biology department. We're going to move into the new building later this month. Then they're going to tear all that out, even though the geology, physics, or astronomy classes could really use a lab room. Maybe the deans can have bigger offices now. Woo hoo!

One of the deans at Grossmont College put it well 16 years ago when I started this adjunct teaching gig. Most important at a school are the students. Next are the people who work directly with the students (i.e., the teachers). Then come the people who support the teachers (e.g., maintenance, supply, security, food service). Last come the people who support all those people (i.e., the deans and the president). The business of a college is primarily to support the students. I dunno, if you were a dean, would you dismantle a lab to create more offices, or would you keep it so more students could experience science?


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