2 June 2008

Last Friday I biked to work. It's about 6-7 miles and I took about 40 minutes to get there and maybe a little less to get back. On the way over, I took this bike path that parallels Interstate 15 for a mile or two, mostly uphill. The exhaust fumes were quite noticeable along this trail, which is not especially scenic.I was happy to get off of the bike path and back onto a regular road (see rollover). I didn't see any other bikes for the whole trip, which was rather sad. The best part is that I got much better mileage than I do in my Civic Hybrid for this trip. Usually in the car, I get about 35-40 mpg on this stretch (due to its rather short length and frequent ups and downs). On the bike, the mileage is nearly zero. I'd say not exactly zero, because I needed to consume some fuel in order to have the energy to move the pedals. It would probably be possible to calculate the gasoline-fuel equivalent of that food, but I'm not sure how to do it and certainly don't have the requisite data at hand.



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