Oklahoma City National Memorial16 December 2001

The Oklahoma City tragedy in April 1995 kept me glued to the television in disbelief for the better part of the day, six and a half years ago. I couldn't believe that someone would destroy a building that contained a daycare center full of kids. Later on, I couldn't believe how much publicity was given to the guy who planned the bombing. It's a shame that nearly every American recognizes him and a scarce few people know anything about any of the victims.

My favorite parts of the exhibit are the "chairs" on the inside (not shown here) and the chain link fence on the outside. There's a sign near a tree nearby explaining that the items placed on the fence were not a planned part of the monument, but have now been integrated into it. I felt these mementos, which included children's photos and toys, employee badges, letters, flowers, and American flags, were the most touching and memorable part of the experience.

Here are some links to a few places on the web that show more of the OKC National Memorial, including one from the OKC Convention & Visitor's Bureau, the Memorial Foundation website, and a tribute to those who died.

You can view a few more photos from my visit by clicking on the picture.


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